Friday, April 15, 2011

Head Thunk

you is such a heavy word. please. i can't.
the you's are too much to hold sometimes, i get tired like those other people do too
and it's never the mental kind. i want to be mentally tired. thoughts, hi, hi, you're here too aren't you?
you. all of you. you and you and.
i signed the papers today. bye.
i got your email. bye.
phone message, phone call, texting is my name, who are you? texting, who are you?
texting faceless my face hurts, useless features, phone funk
what's wrong with a postcard?
what's wrong with the words? letters. you spoke, not wrote. i wish.
happy and open you said. you, are happy. you are. again good. i like that.
                                                 I've been thinking about our days. we're all in the same day. we're sharing children, kindergarten in a crate and barrel. what? you don't read me? i need to simplify sometimes, you know. you don't need to understand, you don't need to do anything. i love the things that weigh tons. harsh and blunt and poking my every bone, searching, to get in. inside, i get it. this isn't sad. please don't take it there. off days put into words does not make it worse than yours. heavy music makes the heaviness lift. i don't care if you don't like violins, or wind chimes. you'll see what you want to see. and hear.
                                      I've been feeling like a number. It's making me sick, I get the excitement, I know i know i know i know why. But if it doesn't matter to me, it shouldn't to you. hi, hi, hi, I am me. we are not. me.
Ready to shut it down, mouths, arms, and thoughts, just tired. Don't like my words that stumble, I am stubborn for sleep. literally mad. that i can't. we can't. I want to think, but I also wish you would stop. I could use a head start. head rush, head first, first place, first chance, hands. night, no. Those people with their dogs have it so easy. when everyone thinks we are the ones that play with paste. i get it you don't get it, i don't expect. just keep the you's to yourself.

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