Monday, April 25, 2011

Movie Moment

she only knows how to hold a balloon,
how to hold it behind her back. tuck it up and cover it
string peeping between her knees. momma can't see it there, she doesn't care anyway
it's like crossed fingers again. knuckle games,
footsies in a trailer park, bike route behind mountains you found her
you were a walking sand filled breeze.
you clog my throat with stones.
your words are too big for me to look at. 
stand against the chicken fence, let me take a picture
of your shiny shoes and sun burnt silhouette.
her tights have never once, matched her dress.
she was born a mess. every thing's a color in code
kodak knows how to fuck with you, they never let anything go
they shoot you with a camera, shooting guns. focusing focusing in on you
no one wants another mess made tangible, left over,
spaghetti sauce that up. for the birds in the backyard.
her covers aren't covering anything anymore.
she's got them all twisted and tortured upon a sheet-less bed,
attempted layers for the landfill, the dry spell
i've been listening to too much rap lately
now my mind thinks in shards of glass. let me clean that up for you
picking up picking up your body parts in clusters
i never meant to sing you a song,
to spill over my thoughts on a dark wooden bench
where people sit with dogs and dinners for two
bridesmaids are beaten with the image of a bird made broken
spaghetti sauced lungs in a corner store, heart sore from the heaviness
some windows were made for staying in,
children bury faces in pillows, the cold side up, sinking in creases, pillow clumps
i'm riding bikes towards pot holes for the pot luck, her work reflects her words, who cares.
i've got the night sky telling me time, these days are a different story
counting steps, counting on my soul to do the dirty work for me
quick sand quickened my thoughts about fear,
i'm not on training wheels riding west anymore, i'm a disaster in a suitcase
left behind by a business man with a cold shoulder
t.v. dinners are a high school drama made homey for the lonely ones,
macaroni and cheese in a plastic package, brownie points for the brave
let me scribble words on a placemat from a trash can, divie up what's left of it inside of a mini van,
you can count the splinters in vain from a fence wooded grain
but it's when you think you've got something good,
that you learn to throw it away

Friday, April 22, 2011

T.V. Dinner

Blood hands for dye
Stained between crease
Disappointment.             you are             a let down
Breathe in headache and discipline
I am the wrong way
I am the not to
I am the no and no and no           
The wrinkles and the waste
The left over
I sing the same song
But you make it feel better
When it shouldn’t

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Everything’s falling out of my windows
Keep closing the doors cause the bad is coming in
Like a Chinese sea,
like the stickers we sweep off of dad and moms lawn
Grow grass tall grass into shapes that we kids pile on to lie flat
Flat grass go grass grow cause the kids are waiting
What a sucker for the green you are
Take me back to the swings
It always feels shorter on the way back
Can't be what you want
It always feels shorter, I am shorter than shorter
I always pick the tall ones, why?
Keep closing doors cause the bad is coming in
Under the cracks, under the shoes, my soles, you know?
I am not the girl with the lips
I’m the one that’s heart sewn into eyes
I don’t care about my lips,
I just want my heart home.
Pressure feeling fondling me
Until I don’t love any of it anymore
Everything’s one big heart attack
A snack time for the heavens
Dream time for the relief rhyme
Just done


Monday, April 18, 2011

What Do Ya Know

she writes a lot of child time cinema
talk a speech, speeching heart
too many homes to take it to go
leave it in a cardboard box,
pretty pre-packaged, pay up and leave me, it seems
you live behind trees, they're not nearly as naked as you are
balcony bliss, rooftops rough enough to breathe
i am a friend of a friend who doesn't want anything to do with you

hotel beds leave me heartless,
toenail painted shades of green,
two on either side, back ache, mathematical hangover
carpet tessellating too much, you're wrong. you're wrong,
you know this

finger tipped fevers
tired of words that come in O's
we are supposed to be god, bearing children
capture me capture you in a dress,
that touches ground for gold
high heeled harsh skies, grey and gross. stop

wish you could bear soul like you bare heart
the way you talk in the shower like its a microphone
blackened berries, your dark nights are darker in the daylight
your face is cold, fever fucked, sorry I said it.

gifted girls come in packaged deals,
they're ready to run fully heeled into vehicles
paper plates and heartaches left aside to dry in due time

we are soul-bearing, holding hot handed homes in paper cups,
ready to be given out like children's lemonade games
a cinematic disaster's mastering sinister,
in handfuls for the homeless,
they don't want your sinful moments hovering over them

our wrinkles are running design free, these aren't made up.
finger nails and kids fall into bushes thorned with hell,
band aids and blisters leave for disasters in a parking lot
beneath grey skies and ice cream cones to go,
we realize, it's just a slideshow for the animal,
what do ya know

Friday, April 15, 2011

Head Thunk

you is such a heavy word. please. i can't.
the you's are too much to hold sometimes, i get tired like those other people do too
and it's never the mental kind. i want to be mentally tired. thoughts, hi, hi, you're here too aren't you?
you. all of you. you and you and.
i signed the papers today. bye.
i got your email. bye.
phone message, phone call, texting is my name, who are you? texting, who are you?
texting faceless my face hurts, useless features, phone funk
what's wrong with a postcard?
what's wrong with the words? letters. you spoke, not wrote. i wish.
happy and open you said. you, are happy. you are. again good. i like that.
                                                 I've been thinking about our days. we're all in the same day. we're sharing children, kindergarten in a crate and barrel. what? you don't read me? i need to simplify sometimes, you know. you don't need to understand, you don't need to do anything. i love the things that weigh tons. harsh and blunt and poking my every bone, searching, to get in. inside, i get it. this isn't sad. please don't take it there. off days put into words does not make it worse than yours. heavy music makes the heaviness lift. i don't care if you don't like violins, or wind chimes. you'll see what you want to see. and hear.
                                      I've been feeling like a number. It's making me sick, I get the excitement, I know i know i know i know why. But if it doesn't matter to me, it shouldn't to you. hi, hi, hi, I am me. we are not. me.
Ready to shut it down, mouths, arms, and thoughts, just tired. Don't like my words that stumble, I am stubborn for sleep. literally mad. that i can't. we can't. I want to think, but I also wish you would stop. I could use a head start. head rush, head first, first place, first chance, hands. night, no. Those people with their dogs have it so easy. when everyone thinks we are the ones that play with paste. i get it you don't get it, i don't expect. just keep the you's to yourself.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Uplift Me, Bright Eyes

"Don't forget what you've learned, that all you give is returned. and if life seems absurd, what you need is some laughter, and a season to sleep and a place to get clean. maybe los angeles, somewhere no one's expecting"

HandMade Happiness

My first semi-decent screen print of the semester. I'm pretty happy about it but want more from it still. This is just part one of the assignment. I still need to steam wash this, burn another stencil onto my screen, and re-print the repeat registration, and then paint lye on top to add texture and complexity. All I've ever wanted to be was a pattern maker and here I am doing what I love. I hope things will never change, because this one feels right.

The screen where the hand drawn image is burned onto in order to print

Everything Hand drawn and repeated, Dye blended and hand mixed 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Feeling, But It's No Finger Painting

Studio visits until 3:45am.
These have been some real beautiful days all cooped up with friends in a building that feels like yours.
This department, yes, lacks so much, but man do the people make up for it all.
How hard it is to not feel good when you're doing something you love and know with bare hands.
The warmth from the sun has been missed, sure, but lying on this hardwood floor looking out of this wall-wide window has been the most satisfying.
It's hard to find an all blue sky.
And these hills make a view like none you've ever seen, like it's not even trying and this is just the way it is now. This can't all be for me.
I don't deserve it.
This need in me to run around like a child, to play with the wind has been so prominent to my days.
The cemetery is my new park, I picnic there, good talks with good friends, sleep, draw, write,
who could've known the cemetery could heal all? Or heal me?
And there's something about the city that gives you quiet nights when needed. No cars, just trees all lined up in rows like walls, and you walk in the center where the lights don't hit.
Sometimes they flicker character. In and out like life.
If you can't do your dreams, live in the dreamy city and feel it out.
Like a sister, it's close enough.
I've got good books to read, and some hard heeled days for roaming streets,
there are too many lakes to keep up with. Too many stories that the strangers will tell, too many soon to be mothers, and child smiles.
The candy stores haunt me just as much as the time it takes for the leaves to change their colors.
Everyone is striving for something here, you can sense it. A hunger for brothers deep within, beyond lashes, to hold on to what counts.
There is no reliance on the outside world, what you've got is what you have and there's nothing coming for you. Not even a package.
Maybe that's it, it's not what others are looking for that matters, but the fight for it.
There's fight. Unpublished, untelevised fight found behind buildings in corners with worn out cobblestones.
It's hard to stay down when you have so much.
I have too much. I need to give these things away, myself away
Become the self-giving city that's brought the last bit of me up
I've been raised by strangers, raised like buildings, wild like wolves.
I am a part of something when I want to be and I do, and I am, and that's really all it takes
It's just an opening for the sore who want something more


Michelle + Michael Graziano Pennsylvania 2010

It's easy to miss a house that isn't yours. I miss the people inside of it more, and the heart that pours from them. Every house, a different colored shutter. These were grey-blue, like sky. My family. I miss my family quite a lot, learning about my culture, the Italian parts in me finally getting to play. That trip really gave me a lot that I still hold on to. But I always leave wanting more.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Women Fall

The weather is feeding me thoughts at a time
I understand its need to leave but I also never asked it to.
I don't like words like; you make me sick or I never loved you
I'd like to watch lips form around mouth, a pick-pocketed girl
I don't believe it, it isn't in a person to take away, no.
It's science to be an asshole in a color coated suit
They don't speak words, they cough them through sticky throat
The weather shouldn't add to what the people haven't done
It needs to stay for the sake of staying,
the need to give away what's healthy, some sincerity and soul, some sun
It hurts me to believe certain poetry, or words, my face is tilted, crooked
Knowing that it came from somewhere whole, it's so hard not to
The will in me wouldn't want to dismiss you, who am I to?
You know what I want, really, and it's none of that,
And with that being said he said,
When Women fall into love they are strong,
but Men are fueled by hatred..
They invented heart alright,
but they forgot the part to place it in.
Now it's just there, wherever,
Sitting where it wants to and getting into things
Spilling and cleaning itself with what it can.
My heart's got so many places to go, we are not meant to sit or stand but move
along side each other if not with
Clouds are pouring pictures to me, moving
The sun is fueled by hatred, Women are falling
into hands and arms and knees
of warmth in need
to leave

Art Before I Knew You

These geometric shaped floral designs mark the beginning of my creativity. They take me back and keep me at a humble and appreciative place. They are constantly showing themselves throughout bits and pieces of my artwork. I made these before my first year at CCA had ended.

The process of getting it finished
Colored Ink, Acrylic, Balsa Wood 2009 
Moon Shine
Colored Ink on Bristol Board 2008

Mad Eyes

I just want people to be people, you know

You ask me questions that linger in stale air and answerless

Mad eyes that swell up like nasty, collecting in your corners

Give me a change of heart please cause no one wants to see this

Give it to me,

Place it in my palm

a person that’s anti this

And that things will change when there’s

nothing but ugly all around this table

I just want to grasp the things I long for with these hands

To cradle and carry things without pain

Yeah, I miss that

And the mean, get it all out cause it’s making you, it is you

These poems are just about the begger in me

And your ways and your not ways and you and not you

I’m shaking you and your shoulders

I’m shaking them till they fall down and still

I’m speaking in tongues with tongues and spitting mouths to whisper shout

Build this body up to be damned,

Yeah, tower over me and burn on top,

like a cherry

Following empty, following sheer, then comes rain

Until you don’t mean it anymore and you’re sorry

You’re never sorry and you’re so so sorry

For nothing

For me you feel so sorry for of course you do.

I want these people to hold signs and posters in pink that say

Yes or no I am humane

With shaking hands and shoulders I am who you’d love

All we need are signs and a street and some shaking shoulders

And this love, this pretend love to live on like love itself

Because were good at that, like god

Good like golden guns, its good, like the streets with golden god

And a gun


Pixels and Patterns

Aside from the usual screen printing on fabric, dyeing, and weaving, this semester has given me the opportunity to understand the creation of repeat pattern through the use of a computer. These are a few patterns that I have put together on the computer while still drawing by hand so far. Once the pattern has been drawn and repeated, each individual color, including each open space that is holding a color is hand colored individually. I'm talking days of work going into each of these. Aside from the computer headaches and chair backaches, I absolutely love this process. It takes me back to my childhood years of creating my own coloring books and filling it all in with color after. What a dream.

It's a little hard to see the detail in most of them, but I'm sure you can get an idea. There are also different coordinates and colorways for specific patterns. We do this to show examples of how different of a feel the pattern can give depending solely on the color change.




Friday, April 8, 2011

My Woodcut Love

Back when I was a Printmaker, I could express myself with ease. I think about these a lot, and miss the hand to wood process every day. My prints generally had to do with Nostalgia and my ability to lose myself in a world of childish perspectives. All prints are hand woodcut with very fine tools and careful fingers.

Dia De Los Muertos 2009
Child Eyes 2010
Rain Rain Go Away 2010

Tough Crowd

Cities don't make you dead or alive
They give you things to run with or run away from
All the creatures, all the trees and things are the makeup for now
This place has too much to hold and love, and yearn for
It bore me with open hands and knees
I remember the dress, the noise, the picture.
A lot of the time we talk in song and can't catch ourselves,
And we do what we don't want to avoid life, it's true
Once it means something, comes the chance to lose it again
This city has really given me something that I can't get anywhere else
It's got a hold on me in some form, found in the air
Its wind is thick with battle and the smell of wounds
You could call it what you want, really
A lot of people have names for it.
But I've never been so sure, or proud
And these streets make days feel handmade 
A gift for the little girl, it's here and you're here with it

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This Isn't A Poem

I have flaws.
I can feel them in me, stuck and rotting. This isn't a poem.
A lot of things are wrong with this semester, but a lot of things are right too.
Not right in the ways that I want it to be. Not right in the ways where it feels right
I miss certain things about the days that aren't too far from here,
These scents get trapped in the tunnels of my nose
and never seem to leave but always seem to bring me back
And the things I used to smile about, I haven't had much time for
My head is mapped with nonsensical notions that could tease a small child
It's hard to know where I stand. With every fucking thing
So much, I have so much passion in this pit that it hurts everything in me
Every single bone, throughout this curvature.
All my thoughts are weighed with this
and not a soul would know about it. ever.
It's behind the eyes, you know? And I get a lot of ("what?")s, it kills.
My mind can really only be what it is.
I'm a little tired of disappointing people, tired of the embarrassment I feel for this.
Can't the world just let me love things? People are always trying to make a joke.
All I know and all I can sense in me are the things that I lack and long for,
like some form of liberation from my responsibilities.
Every now and then a person needs to hide from the word hello for the sake of honesty
I may be a small child underneath this college degree and skirts to the knee. A jean jacket bonus.
I know this, and couldn't care enough to run from all the pressures of growing up in a mascara mess
The word human has been weighing hard in handfuls on my limbs and things,
I've always wanted to be something else,
you've seen the pictures


"I wish I could buy back the woman you stole"